Meta Integration Solutions

for Metadata Integration, Metadata Harvesting, Metadata Management, Enteprise Architecture and Data Governance.


Table of Contents


Metadata Integration (Tool's metadata import/export)

The Meta Integration® Model Bridge (MIMB) product provides MITI's metadata movement solution. MIMB users are typically database and software developers who want to move their metadata (models) between various tools from different vendors, across methodologies.

Large corporation usually use many databases and data management tools and it is mission critical for them to properly document and manage the flow of data between all the tools and systems.

The same applies to metadata. Metadata can be located underneath all these design tools, databases, ETL tools and OLAP/BI tools from many different vendors, and it is critical to understand and manage the flow of metadata between all of them.

The tools vendors themselves can provide some of these metadata movements, for example database modeling tools can provide bi-directional integration between UML object modeling and physical data modeling.
Similarly, BI vendors provide the forward engineering from their dimensional modeling tool to their report authoring tool.

However, large corporations use best-of-breed tools from many vendors and using the right tool at the right time requires seemless metadata flows between them. In such case, Meta Integration® Model Bridge (MIMB) can play a key role implementing all the metadata movement required for the integration of the various development tools.

MIMB supports:

Please refer to the Supported Tools page on our website for the most up-to-date list of supported tools.

The enterprise metadata flow scenarios can be summarized in a generic way in the following diagram.

Metadata Flow & Life Cycle: the heart beat...

Metadata Integration


Metadata Management (Data Governance & Enterprise Architecture)

Enterprise Architecture through Semantic & Data Flows

Semantic And Data Flows

Metadata Lineage & Impact Analysis: "Quadrant of Use Cases"

Metadata Lineage Quadrant


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