2001 March 5thth - Press Release


LOS ALTOS, California, March 5th, 2001 – Meta Integration Technology, Inc. (MITI), a leading provider of data and metadata movement tools, announces version 2.4.6 of its popular Meta Integration™ Model Bridge (MIMB) product.

The need for data movement and data integration solutions is driven by the fact that data is everywhere underneath business applications. The same applies for metadata: metadata is also everywhere underneath the software and database development tools, as well as within the repositories delivered with the Data Warehousing (DW), Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) environments, and other Business Intelligence (BI) tools. MIMB represents MITI’s metadata movement solution. With over 20 bridges, MIMB is the most complete metadata movement solution on the market. This latest release includes numerous improvements and integrates more tools from MITI’s partners: RATIONAL, CA, NCR, SAS, and the OMG.

RATIONAL SOFTWARE ( http://www.metaintegration.net/Partners/IBM-Rational.html)
MIMB has been supporting the integration of all versions of Rational Rose from 4.0, 98, and 2000, up to the current Rose 2001. This new version of MIMB not only fixes bugs on the Rose bridges, it also considerably improves the Rose Data Modeler integration. For example the CA ERwin/Rational Rose bi-directional integration not only converts both logical and physical modeling with proper mapping, but the graphical information (diagrams layout, colors, fonts) are converted as well. MIMB will be supporting Rose 2001A and 2001B to be released later this year, and Meta Integration is already working on the next generation of Rose 2002 (code name Olympus).

COMPUTER ASSOCIATES ( http://www.metaintegration.net/Partners/CA.html)
MIMB has been supporting the integration of all versions of ERwin from 3.0, up to ERwin 3.52 based on its ERX format. As CA is now releasing ERwin 4.0, they have abandoned the ERX format for the newer ERwin XML format. Meta Integration already started the implementation of this XML, and MIMB 2.4.6 includes a working prototype of both import and export bridges to Erwin 4.0. CA and Meta Integration are working to improve this new ERwin XML interchange format.

NCR ( http://www.metaintegration.net/Partners/NCR.html)
At last September's NCR Partner User Group conference in Orlando, a press release was issued by NCR announcing their partnership with Meta Integration for providing TeraData with XML solutions. More precisely, MIMB provides XML based metadata movement solutions to the NCR Teradata Meta Data Services (MDS) product. MIMB 2.4.6 supports the integration of the NCR repository (MDS) with most popular design tools and standards like CWM. Much improved import/export bridges for NCR MDS will be released over the next two months. Furthermore, Meta Integration Works (MIW) is a data ETL development tool capable of generating XML based data movement components for TeraData. MITI plans to release a more specialized TeraData/XML version of its software over the summer, including a TeraData based Meta Integration Repository (MIR).

SAS ( http://www.metaintegration.net/Partners/SAS.html)
SAS recently added Meta Integration to its strategic list of technology partners, and issued the following statement on its web site: "SAS and Meta Integration Technology Inc. have established a strategic partnership to provide an enterprise-wide metadata architecture for minimizing risk and cost of best of breed warehousing solutions. This solution leverages the technologies from SAS, the market leader in data warehousing and decision support, and Meta Integration Technology Inc. (MITI) the leader in metadata movement technologies. The SAS & MITI partnership is a solution designed to overcome the largest barriers that exist to the design, implementation, management and maintenance of robust warehouses and warehouse based systems, by allowing metadata (the core of all enterprise wide solutions) to easily move between best of breed tools used in any part of the development, exploitation, management cycle of such solutions."

OBJECT MANAGEMENT GROUP ( http://www.metaintegration.net/Partners/OMG.html)
Meta Integration continues to work very closely with the core development team of the Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM) standard. At last December's OMG meeting in Orlando, the team demonstrated the CWM XMI based integration of popular DW tools like IBM DB2 Data Warehouse Center, Oracle Warehouse Builder, Discover & Sales Analyzer, Hyperion Application Builder, SAS Institute Enterprise Warehouse Administrator, and Unisys Universal Repository (UREP). The MIMB product was part of this showcase to demonstrate the CWM XMI integration with popular design tools like CA ERwin, Oracle Designer, and Rational Rose. This version of MIMB 2.4.6 includes import/export of XMI 1.1 for CWM 1.0 (as defined by the OMG document ad/2000-01-01). As OMG is approving the final version 1.0 of the CWM standard, newly updated MIMB bridges will be released in the following months with support for Relational, Object, and Transformation packages.

5th ANNUAL METADATA CONFERENCE ( http://www.wilshireconferences.com/Anaheim/index.htm)
13th ANNUAL DAMA INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ( http://www.dama.org/Symposium2001.htm)
This week, Meta Integration will actively participate to the annual Meta Data/DAMA Conference, at Hilton Anaheim, California (March 4-8, 2001). Meta Integration will participate on an OMG CWM panel Monday afternoon, and can be found in the exhibition area at the OMG booth for demos of the CWM XMI based integration with IBM, Oracle, Hyperion, and Unisys. Meta Integration tools like MIMB will be also demonstrated at the booths of its key partners such as Rational.

Incorporated in 1997, Meta Integration Technology, Inc. (MITI) is a privately held startup based in Silicon-Valley. MITI is focused on providing tools for data and metadata movement solutions. MITI has established numerous partnerships in both the government and industry sectors, including with the DoD Health Affairs (OSD HA), Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), Computer Associates (ERwin), Microsoft Corporation (SQL Server MDS), NCR (TeraData XML & MDS), Rational Software Corporation (Rose), SAS Institute (SAS Warehouse Administrator), and Sun MicroSystems (JavaSoft). MITI is also involved with several relevant standards, including the Object Management Group (OMG) as a domain member (CWM and UML XMI), and the latest HL7 standard for XML based integration in the health care sector.

Copyright © Meta Integration Technology, Inc. 1997-2001
All Rights Reserved.
Meta Integration® Works (MIW), Model Bridge (MIMB),and Repository (MIR) are trademarks of Meta Integration Technology, Inc. Other product and company names (or logos) mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.